Professor Ioan Borcea, the pioneer of Romanian oceanology, founded the first Romanian marine biological research
organization, Agigea Marine Zoological Station
Marine Zoological Station Prof. Ioan Borcea
The illustrious naturalist and biologist Grigore Antipa founded the Bio-Oceanographic Institute in Constanța
Bio-Oceanographic Institute in Constanța
The Bio-Oceanographic Institute of Constanta has been transformed into a Marine Research Station, acknowledged for
conducting complex research on the Black Sea ecosystem
The Institute of Hydrotechnical Research has created the Oceanographic Research Station in Constanța and a smaller
research station in Sulina
A marine sedimentology laboratory was established in Bucharest
As a result of the merger of the five institutions mentioned above, the Romanian Institute for Marine Research was
established (RIMR)
Romanian Institute for Marine Research in Constanța (1982)
Through the reorganization of RIMR, the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”
(NIMRD) was established, under the authority of the Ministry of Environment and Water Management. As a sign of appreciation
for the centennial tradition, it was named in honor of Professor Grigore Antipa (1867-1944)
National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” Constanța
NIMRD became a subunit with legal status of the National Research and Development Institute for Environmental Protection
Bucharest, under the coordination of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
NIMRD was transferred under the coordination of the Ministry of National Education
NIMRD was reorganized as a national institute under the coordination of the Ministry of National Education and
Scientific Research
NIMRD was transferred under the coordination of the Ministry of Education and Research
2021 - present
NIMRD is managed under the coordination of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization