Black Sea Regional Activity Centre for Environmental Aspects of Fisheries and other Marine Living Resources Management (RAC FOMLRM) is created in
1994 and based on National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" Constanta (ROMANIA) (NIMRD).
NIMRD, previously Romanian Marine Research Institute, was established in 1970. The Institute operates under coordination of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. NIMRD is the
leading marine and fisheries research institute in charge with national and international responsibilities in the field of marine science.
At the same time, the Institute is technical operator of the marine monitoring network (physical, chemical and biological) and for coastal erosion survey.
The permanent staffs consist about 100 peoples (18 Ph.D., 7 trainers for a doctor's degree) working in three operational departments and other three support departments:
- Oceanography and Coastal Engineering Department,
- Marine Ecology and Environmental Protection Department,
- Marine Living Resources Department.
The Institute hosts the following four Focal Points, corresponding to the Black Sea Activity Centres Network: Biodiversity, Pollution Monitoring and
Assessment, Pollution from Land Base Resources, Methodologies for ICZM.
Address of the Institution:
Sector of work
RAC FOMLRM as a subsidiary body of the Black Sea Commission coordinates and ensures the necessary programmatic support and provision of practical technical support for
functioning of related Advisory Group of Black Sea Commission in the field of protection and rehabilitation of marine ecosystem in particular for conservation and sustainable use of living
marine resources.
Additional sectors of work
- Technical support for implementation of national legal framework and of regional and international conventions: UNCLOS, ACCOBAMS, CITES, Bucharest Convention, etc.
- Promoting ecosystem-based fisheries management approach and FAO Code of Conduct provisions;
- Technical support for implementation of sectorial EU Directives: Shellfish Directive, Habitat Directive, NATURA 2000, etc.;
- Conducting of environmental impact assessment studies;
- Recommendation of policy measures in the inter-sectorial areas of environment and fisheries and aquaculture.
Current responsibilities under Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
- Drafting recommendation and policies for:
- Legally Binding Instruments for Fisheries;
- Implementation ecosystem-based fisheries management;
- Implementation FAO Code of Conduct;
- Strengthening the relationships between fishery sector and environmental authorities (national and regional);
- Measures for prevent illegal fishing practices;
- Harmonization of legal and institutional framewor k (especially enforcement system);
- Improvement of fisheries management through harmonized methodologies (assessment, indicatory, etc.);
- Improvement of the aquaculture practices and technologies;
- Measure to r educe marine mammal's by-catch.
- Assessment of the efficiency of fisheries management system and impact of existing practices on the marine ecosystem.
- Drafting of projects for protection and rehabilitation of marine living resources and specific habitats.
- Ensuring the regular information flow.
- Activity as a regional consulting body with international organization.
- Reporting of curr ent activities to the Black Sea Commission.
Equipment capacity
- Research vessel STEAUA DE MARE 1 (25 m length, 570 HP);
- Survey boat MARSUINUL (8 m length, 150 HP);
- CTD;
- Equipment for trawling survey for ichtyoplanktonic and juveniles studies, etc.;
- National Fisheries data Base;
- National Dolphins Data Base
- Specialised laboratories.


Research vessel STEAUA DE MARE 1
Survey boat Marsuinul
List of projects/activities carried out under BSEP (1992-2010)
- 1994, BSEP. Marine Aquaculture in the Black Sea Region (Assessment the status of marine aquaculture in the region by international experts mission);
- 1995, GESAMP. Opportunistic settlers and the problem of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi invasion in the Black Sea;
- 1995, BSEP. Survey of the Fisheries Fleet and Processing Capacity;
- 1996, BSEP. Black Sea Transboundar y Diagnostic Analysis;
- 1997, BSEP. Preparation of the project: "Support for the sustainable integration of Fisheries Activity Centre based in Constanta, Romania";
- 2004, BSERP. Booklet: Code of practices; responsible Fisheries in the Black Sea in cooperation with TUDAV.
- 2002-2004, BS Commission. Technical Draft of Legally Binding Document on Fisheries and Conservation of Living Resources in the Black Sea;
- 2003-2004, BS Commission. List of species whose exploitation should be regulated. (Annex IV at Protocol for Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation in the Black Sea);
- 2001-2004, BS Commission. Contribution at National Sectorial Reports.
- 2004 - BSERP/BS Commission. Elaboration of the regional methodology for assessment of pelagic and demersal species of commercial interest.
- 2005-2008 - NAFA, Romania - Assesment of pelagic and demersal fish stocks;
- 2009-2011 - DG Mare - NAFA Romania - Data collection from Romanian marine fisheries;
- 2011-2014 - Coordinating research in support to application of EAF ( Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries) and management advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas (CREAM)
- 2011-2013 - Strengthening the regional capacity to support the sustainable management of the Black Sea Fisheries (SRCSSMBSF)
Operational staff of RAC FOMLRM
Operational staff is supported by Marine Living Resources Department Team, which consists in 11 researchers, and 7 technical staff (6 Ph.D.).
Name/suname |
Responsability |
Field of expertise |
E-mail |
Dr. Simion NICOLAEV |
Director |
Resources management | |
Dr. Gheorghe RADU |
Expert |
Fishery biology (stock assessment - pelagic fish, modelling, survey) | |
Dr. Valodia MAXIMOV |
Expert |
Expert Fishery biology (stock assessment - demersal fish, data collection) | |
Dr. Eugen ANTON |
Expert |
Fishery biology (dolphins survey and impact); | |
Dr. Tania ZAHARIA |
Expert |
Fishery expert (Marine Protected Areas, marine habitats) | |
Dr.Laurenta ALEXANDROV |
Expert |
Fishery expert coastal lakes | |
Dr. Cornel URSACHE |
Expert |
Expert Fishery expert (Marine aquaculture) | |
Drd. Dragos MICU |
Expert |
Fishery biology (invertebrates stock assessment) | |
George TIGANOV |
Specialist |
Specialist Fishery specialist (data base administrator) | |
Magda NENCIU |
Secretary |
Public Relations | |
Information resources
The RAC FOMLRM used all informational facilities of the NIMRD, i.e.:
- server
- internet
- computers
- library (20.000 books)
- publication "Marine research" issued in current international languages
- web page: